Medistri Media Assets
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All medistri trademarks, logos, or other brand elements are subject to Medistri's Name Usage Terms.
Medistri's Name Usage Terms.
The purpose of the Medistri's Name Usage Terms is to make it clear how you may use the Medistri name or our logo. We appreciate that some of our customers, partners as well as our suppliers seek to acknowledge their affiliation with us by the use of our name or logo.
- Use the Medistri name by accurately and truthfully representing our services without any alteration.
- Use the Medistri name only where it directly relates to our services on your website.
- Use the Medistri name with the logos and media we have provided for you.
- Use the Medistri name outside of the scope of our "Brand Usage Terms" (or otherwise agreed in writing).
- Modify any of our names or logos.
- Use the Medistri name in any way that is misleading or that implies we are endorsing products and misrepresent your affiliation with us.
- Use the Medistri name in a more prominently manner than your own brand.
- Use the Medistri name in any way that has nothing to do with us or our services.
- Use the Medistri name in any way that would harm our reputation or our interests in the Brand.
For queries about Medistri's Name Usage Terms contact us here ➝

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